SUGAR MOON – THE THIRTEEN TEACHINGS FROM GRANDMOTHER MOON – 2018 $3 1/4 oz Fine Silver Coin – Royal Canadian Mint
USD 35.24
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USD 35.24
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Sugar Moon brings us the maple sap that begins to flow. It’s a key medicine in Anishinaabe tradition and the third teaching from Grandmother Moon who makes 13 appearances throughout the year to watch over Mother Earth’s children and light their paths with her gentle wisdom.
March is an important time of cleansing and renewal after a long winter, and drinking sap from the maple tree balances our blood and heals us. But more than the physical, sugar moon is about the spiritual health of our lives. Do we honour and respect all our relations—the people, animals, rocks, stars and trees? Do our daily actions contribute to the well-being of everything that surrounds us? As we drink maple sap, we are reminded how all creation nurtures and sustains us, and our responsibility towards all life according to divine law.
Algonquin artist Frank Polson has created a captivating image of a full moon filling the sky as it sits low on the horizon behind a leafless tree. To the left, a woman sits at the foot of a maple tree while maple sap drips from a wooden spout into a basket below. Two more birchbark baskets are at the ready. The use of bold lines, and the insertion of vivid colour within black areas as if to reveal what lies within, is a signature design element in woodland art.
No: 165183
Mintage: 4000
Material: 99.99% fine silver
Finish: Proof
Weight: 7.96g
Diameter: 27mm
Edge: Serrated
Certificate: Serialized