DESERT SCORPION AUSTRALIA’S MOST DANGEROUS – 2022 1 oz Pure Gold Bullion Coin – Royal Australian Mint
As low as USD 3,744.66
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As low as USD 3,744.66
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Royal Australian Mint is pleased to present the third release in the ”Australia’s Most Dangerous” series featuring the Desert Scorpion. These coins are created to the Mint’s highest standards with guaranteed metal content and quality.
Product Features
Desert Scorpion
This feared creature is known to be large and aggressive and can inflict a painful sting to humans. Occupying much of Australia’s arid deserts, the Australian Desert Scorpion endures scorching temperatures by digging spiralling burrows up to a metre deep. This spiral formation allows the scorpion to regulate the temperature of its environment.
Known to grow up to 12 centimetres long, the Australian Desert Scorpion uses its powerful pincers to capture and hold its prey before stinging it with its poisonous tail.
Mintage: 250
Material: Pure Gold (99.99%)
Finish: BU
Weight: 1 oz
Dimensions: 38.74 mm